Full Member Of West Indies Cricket Umpires Association
CCUA President, Fred Leacock and Certification Chairperson, Peter Monfort, are extremely pleased with the new addition of Education Committee member, Farouk Ali, who brings vast knowledge of Cricket Laws to our Association. He also has a unique style of instruction, for old and new umpires alike, from his native land of Trinidad, where he has umpired for many years.

CCUA is encouraging existing and potential Umpires in the GTA to join us every Wednesday and Saturday at the Cricket Laws Seminar. For more information, please contact Azad Khan, CCUA Secretary at the following phone numbers: 647.281.1951 or 416.287.0016. Please click the Seminar page for more info.
Canada Cricket Umpires Association is looking for new officials to join the team. Cricket season has just started, so there is a real need for new recruits and veterans to the game.  
If you are new, we will train you.
There are numerous assignments to keep you employed during the season.
Please contact: Fred Leacock at 905-434-3673 or Azad Khan at 416-287-0116.

           All Schedules are prepared by Ian Vernon, James Persaud and Fred Leacock.
                                        FOR ANY CHANGES PLEASE CALL
Ian Vernon Tel: 416-728-5146 or email: ivernon@rogers.com
James Persaud Tel: H: 416-766-0856; Cell: 416-629-9566 or email: james_persaud@hotmail.com
Fred Leacock Tel: 1-905-434-3673 or email: fleacock@sympatico.ca

Canada Cricket Umpires Association will be conducting a Scoring Seminar at the Asbury and West United Church 3180 Bathurst Street Toronto Canada, on Wednesday May 27th 2009. Time: 7pm to 10 pm. 
Materials required will be pencils, erasers and calculator. Other materials for the program will be provided by CCUA.
Please note that experience Instructors will conduct the program. 
All Captains and Umpires are requested to attend the program.
If you are interested to attend the program kindly email the Secretary, Azad Khan of Canada Cricket Umpires Association at azadinfinity@hotmail.com  or azadinfinity@gmail.com
Download the files
Rookhie of the Year 2009 Terrence Campbell
Scorer of the Year 2009 Mickail Butler
Scorer of the Year 2008 Mickail Butler
Yasseen Abdul Juman
Norman Jackson
CCUA Vice President from 2010-2011
December 23rd 2011
Umpire Frederick Heather 
Hero of the Canadian game
Past President: From 2003 - 2012
                         Frederick M Leacock
Past President:  Basdeo Dookhie.
                            From 2012-2017

Denis Rajroop
CCUA Past Vice President from 2010-2011
Past Certification Officer        

Jeewanlal Sookhoo           

Past Treasurer
Austin Foote
Farouk Ali
CCUA Past Education Chairman